Published in 1953, the book was highly prophetic, dealing with issues such as technology, media influence, free thought, and the dumbing down of society.

The language used is more American English, and Hemmingway’s style is to write in short, ‘simple sentences’ making it ideal for learners of English!

The book is relatively short (192 pages) and it is divided into shorter chapters, so it is easy to read in small doses. It deals with issues such as the wealth gap, racism, masculinity, and love. This is a classic! To Have and Have Not has even been called the invention of the thriller! Harry Morgan is a hard man living in a hard world, doing what he must to take care of his family. What are the top ten best books to help learn English? Books are a great way to improve vocabulary, grammar, reading skills, and have fun studying English! For this list, we only chose books which are originally written in English, not translated. World book day is coming, which got us thinking about the best English language books to help learn English.